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Call for papers

Special Issue: Strengthening collaborations in ageing research: impaired resilience from 'bench to bedside'

Deadline for submission of article: October 1, 2024

Ageing is a complex heterogeneous process, both in terms of fundamental mechanisms and clinical manifestations. The 12 'hallmarks of ageing' are recognised as counterparts to the ageing process by discovery and biomedical scientists. However, laboratory studies have commonly been performed in healthy older adults without clinical assessment. Conversely, clinicians involved in the healthcare of older adults may have expertise in the identification of frailty, long-term conditions, and overall holistic management, but commonly do not have expertise in fundamental mechanisms of ageing. Indeed, many clinicians involved in healthcare of older people struggle to understand the relevance of ageing processes to their clinical practice. This leads to a disconnect in terms of how research is conducted, interpreted, and disseminated, which in itself leads to a further cycle of siloed working. In this special issue, we are aiming to publish research that involves collaboration between clinicians, fundamental scientists, physiologists, and/or bioinformaticians. Articles describing any experimental methodology will be considered, but these should relate directly to clinical manifestations of impaired resilience with ageing in the interpretation of results (e.g., frailty, sarcopenia, cognitive spectrum disorders including delirium, falls, outcomes from infection or acute illness). This issue will consider articles including original articles, reviews, and short communications.

Guest Editor

Dr. Carly Welch, MBChB, PhD

Senior Lecturer and Consultant Geriatrician

Department of Twin Research, Kings College London, UK


Special Issue: Natural Biomaterials and Advanced Medical Devices in Age-Related Diseases

Deadline for submission of article: April 1, 2025

Natural biomaterials and advanced medical devices play a crucial role in addressing age-related diseases within the field of biomedicine. The development and application of these materials offer expanded options and possibilities for the treatment of conditions associated with aging, including osteoporosis, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, and others. Natural biomaterials, such as polyesters, proteins, and polysaccharides, are utilized to repair damaged tissues, promote cell regeneration, and develop biosensors for monitoring patients' physiological states, thereby potentially slowing the aging process. Advanced medical devices, such as nano-drug carriers, 3D printing scaffolds and microneedle, facilitate precise drug delivery and minimize side effects. The synergy between the biocompatibility of natural materials and the high efficiency and functionality of advanced materials significantly enhances the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases, consequently improving patients' quality of life. Therefore, understanding the pivotal role of natural biomaterials and novel medical devices in geriatric diseases is essential for developing effective treatments.

This special issue invites the submission of Review, Mini-Review and Opinion that provide novel insights into the use of natural biomaterials and innovative medical devices for the treatment of age-related diseases.

Guest Editor,

Dai-Xu Wei, Ph.D.,


School of Medicine, Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, Northwest University, Xi’an, 710069, China



Guest Editor,

Quanbo Ji, Ph.D., M.D.,

Associate Professor,

Department of Orthopaedics, Chinese PLA General Hospital

Beijing, 100853, China


Special Issue: Neurodegenerative disorders and Ageing: Underlying mechanisms and neuroprotective Strategie

Deadline for submission of articles: Oct. 1, 2024

Special Issue Information 

Age-related changes constitute a significant predisposing factor for diverse neurodegenerative disorders. Neurodegeneration constitutes as a common underlying molecular process in various chronic neurological diseases. The aetiology of these disorders can be attributed to multifaceted gene environment interactions, advancing age, or a combination of several other pathological triggers. This spectrum of neurodegenerative disorders encompasses a convergence of pathologies affecting both the central and peripheral nervous systems and includes conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, multiple sclerosis and its variants, motor neuron disease, and movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease. These molecular pathological changes may extend to encompass mental health disorders, including but not limited to depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorder. In addition, neural degeneration is known to be associated with disorders like traumatic brain injury and stroke. Furthermore, neurodegeneration exerts influence over sensory nervous systems, giving rise to disease conditions like glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, retinopathies, and auditory impairments. 

Recent research has unveiled shared molecular pathological traits in multiple neurodegenerative mechanisms. Similar molecular changes have also been observed in ageing underscoring the interconnection of these biological processes. 

Researchers are actively exploring an array of neuroprotective strategies ranging from investigating innate neuroprotective mechanisms to exploring pharmacological agents, peptides, antibodies, or gene manipulation techniques, including gene silencing, gene therapy, and CRISPR-based methodologies. Several interventions are under development to modulate disease progression and intervene at various nodal points within the biochemical networks that govern neurodegenerative mechanisms. 

This Special Issue serves as a focal point for recent advancements in understanding the pathological mechanisms underpinning neurodegenerative disorders and the aging process. Additionally, it delves into the utilization of diverse neuroprotective strategies aimed at ameliorating the course of neurodegenerative disorders and unravelling the intricate mechanisms at play. 

In this context, we extend an invitation for contributions of high-quality original research and comprehensive review articles centred around clinical and preclinical investigations. The scope includes but is not confined to the following domains: 

  • Unravelling the pathological mechanisms intrinsic to neurological disorders intertwined with neurodegenerative processes and ageing 
  • Diagnostic methodologies for age-related and neurodegenerative disorders across various stages of pathological progression 
  • Pharmacological strategies targeting diverse facets of ageing and neurodegenerative conditions, encompassing natural and synthetic compounds, antibodies, peptides, vaccinations, and/ or other biologics 
  • Investigations into lifestyle interventions like exercise, dietary modulation, and innovative drug delivery techniques 
  • Utilization of clinical studies, preclinical animal models and in vitro cell culture systems to dissect the intricacies of neurodegenerative conditions. 

Guest Editor

Prof. Vivek K Gupta, BSc, MSc, PhD, FHEA, FRCPath

NHMRC Dementia Leadership Fellow,  

RD Wright NHMRC Career Development Awardee,  

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA),  

Macquarie Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences

Macquarie University | NSW 2109, Australia  


Dr. Nitin Chitranshi, M. Pharma., PhD

Macquarie Medical School,

Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences |  

Macquarie University | NSW 2109, Australia  



A/Prof. Veer Bala Gupta, BSc, MSc, PhD, G Cert HigherEd. L&T

Associate Professor in Neurobiology

School of Medicine, Faculty of Health

Deakin University

VIC-3216, Australia


Special Issue:  Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Aging and Age-related Disorders

Deadline for submission of articles: September 1, 2024

Special Issue Information:

    Alterations in mitochondrial bioenergetics, biogenesis, mitophagy and oxidative stress originating from mitochondria are closely linked to aging and the development of age-related diseases. Age-related diseases are very complex process, and the various factors involved in its aetiology are not yet completely understood. The main theme of this Special Issue centers on exploring mitochondrial dysfunction in aging and the development of age-related diseases and the signaling pathways associated with mitochondrial bioenergetics, biogenesis, mitophagy, and reactive oxygen species generation. Additionally, we aim to stimulate constructive discussions about mitochondria-targeted therapies under development and shed light on the latest advancements in understanding aging and disease mechanisms, biomarkers, and therapies related to neurodegeneration. We are inviting submissions of review, mini-review, commentary, or perspective articles, and novel communications that delve into the molecular mechanisms underlying the significance of mitochondria in neurodegenerative disease processes.


Guest Editor

Aida Adlimoghaddam PhD, CRQM

Assistant Professor

Neurology Department, SIU School of Medicine

Springfield, IL, USA


Special Issue: Circadian Rhythms, Aging and Disease

Deadline for submission of articles: July 1 2025


The field of aging research has benefited greatly in recent years form new understanding that focuses on circadian rhythms as determinants of disease initiation and progression. Our biological clock, or our circadian rhythm, governs many physiological processes and its disruptions have been linked to a collection of age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, cancer and neurodegeneration. Understanding the complex relationship between circadian dysfunctions and aging is crucial for developing effective chronotherapeutic and nutritional tools for aging-related disease prevention and treatment.



The aim of this special collection is to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research on the relationship between circadian rhythms, aging-related diseases. By bringing together leading experts in the field, this collection aims to deepen our understanding of the underlying mechanisms and identify potential therapeutic targets for the management of aging-related diseases.



This special collection welcome review articles that provide an in-depth analysis of the current state of knowledge on the topic.


The focus will be on the following key areas:

1. The role of circadian rhythms in healthy aging and age-related diseases

2. Mechanisms linking circadian disruptions to disease development

3. Impact of environmental factors on circadian rhythms and aging

4. Advances in Experimental Techniques for Circadian Aging Research

5. Systems biology approaches to understand circadian aging and disease

6. Role of epigenetics in circadian aging and disease

7. Pharmacological interventions to modulate circadian rhythms

8. Lifestyle interventions to improve circadian rhythms and healthspan

9. Clinical implications of circadian-based therapies for age-related diseases

10. Future directions in circadian aging research


Guest Editor


Dr. Peixin Dong, MD, PhD 

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 

Hokkaido University School of Medicine 

Hokkaido University 

Sapporo, Japan 



Special Issue: 'Recent advances in aging-related diseases: Evidence from molecular mechanisms to interventions and therapies


Deadline for submission of articles: July 30, 2024


Special Issue Information:

Aging is an irreversible pathophysiological process that occurs with a decline in tissue and cell function and a significant increase in the risk of various aging-related diseases, including neurological, cardiovascular, metabolic, and immune system diseases. As aging is one of the major risk factors for most chronic diseases, understanding the aging process is expected to facilitate the identification of therapeutic targets for age-related diseases and the development of suitable pharmacological agents for approved clinical use in the future. Research on aging mechanisms and intervention methods is important in improving human health and increasing lifespan. Currently, great progress has been made in research on the molecular mechanisms of aging, and progress has been made in understanding the biological and genetic mechanisms of the aging process, as well as a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis of aging. However, these findings are still far from being able to delay human aging and reduce the occurrence of aging-related diseases. Considering the aging of the population, anti-aging and healthy aging are undoubtedly important tasks of public health organizations, scientific research units, and drug research development centers. Although there are many challenges to research on aging and aging-related diseases, many questions still need to be addressed. This special issue aims to publish reviews, opinions, commentaries, letters to the editor, and correspondence describing the mechanisms related to pharmacological, non-pharmacological interventions and therapeutic strategies for aging-related diseases. 


Guest Editors:


Nasrollah Moradikor, Ph.D.

Research Director and Head of Brain Aging and Dementia Group

Center for Neuroscience Research, 0105 Tbilisi




Mahdi Esmaeilzadeh, Ph.D.

Head of Cell and Molecular Biology Department

Center for Neuroscience Research, 0105 Tbilisi




Pubdate:2021-10-18 Viewed: 16344